In The Media

IslamInSpanish has become the voice of the Muslim community in the Spanish language

Media Relations - IslamInSpanish has become the voice of the Muslim community in the Spanish language by being the main local point of contact for news outlets of the major Spanish-speaking television channels such as Univision, Telemundo, CNN in Spanish, BBC, and other print media such as the Houston Chronicle, Semana, and others.

Any time an incident happens related to Muslims or Islam at a local, national, or international and the media needs a statement or reaction from the Muslim community in the Spanish language IslamInSpanish is contacted and within hours we are interviewed at our new IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico, on the field, or at the respective channel’s production studios. We have a good working relationship with reporters since we understand their nature of work due to the fact that we are media producers as well.

 We are living in one of the most diverse cities in the United States.  In Houston, TX the population of Latinos reaches almost half ( 40%) of the overall city’s population.

We understand that tight deadlines and short meaningful soundbytes is what is requested from us when we are contacted by the media. We view our involvement with the media as a way to maintain the level of transparency and civic voice needed to maintain a close sense of educational and informational involvement of who we are and what we believe within the context of contemporary everyday events and occurrences that are of importance for our well-being and safety as citizens coexisting in the most pluralistic society in the world.

Media Production

The death of a loved one Inspired the birth of IslamInSpanish audio. To date - IslamInSpanish has produced over 500+ audio books in the Spanish language. Translated from classical content never before translated from Arabic to Spanish.


Audio Production - The origin or IslamInSpanish started when we produced our 1st Spanish CD entitled “La Religion de la Verdad” (The Religion of Truth). The reason why this 1st CD was produced is because an aunt founder Jaime “Mujahid” Fletcher’s wife was on her last stage of cancer and not in agreement with her niece and niece’s husband’s conversion to Islam. 

Since dialogue was not an option Mujahid Fletcher and his recently converted father “Abu Mujahid Fletcher” sat down in a small humble Houston mosque “Muhammidi” and recorded in his father’s voice the first CD to educate their family who was suffering from cancer on their last days. The CD was edited in a 2-bedroom apartment after some days and handed over to the intended family member for review and feedback.


Not only did the family member listen to it but it changed her heart to the point that she accepted Islam before her death just a few days later.The last words from her mouth where not only the the testimony of faith of the fact that there is only one God worthy of worship and that Muhammed is His final messenger but she also mentioned that if God gave her life she wished to share this reality with her family and others who may not have been informed with this simple message. After her departing we duplicated this first CD and began distributing it throughout the city of Houston and 10s of 100s of people began embracing Islam. At this time close to the year 2001 there were no audios in existence about Islam in the Spanish language.

IslamInSpanish set out to become the source of authentic audio and video production provider to educate Latinos about Islam worldwide and has gone on to produce over 500+ audio books from classical content never before translated directly from Arabic authentic sources

 Audio books translated by students of knowledge who have graduated from respected Islamic Universities worldwide who have focused on translating text that IslamInSpanish has then produced into audio books to preserve the content of its classical and contemporary knowledge into new media for generations to come. We know of people who have accepted Islam in Latin America who have downloaded and kept our audio content into an audio library as a legacy for their children to inherit. This has lead IslamInSpanish to produce audio Multimedia libraries that have been distributed throughout Latin America to masajid where there is no audio material so that they may duplicate and distribute in their respective localities so they may also educate Latinos in the Spanish language in their localities and use our work in Houston, Texas as a model so the same effect of educating can take effect.

Donate to be part of the generous pioneering donors who have empowered and enabled us to distribute our audio worldwide and led many be educated about Islam and even accept Islam throughout the world and have enabled us to post and distribute it online for free. We are needing to continue the level of production of audio material of many topics not yet covered to distribute to communities in Latin America and the U.S. where there is a lack of students of knowledge who have learned Islam.

Video Production

IslamInSpanish believes in utilizing the power of video production to tell our story about who we are as Muslims, as Latinos, and as Americans to a diverse audience in the new era of message dissemination.

Video Production - Our unique professional skill in the field of Television Production and documentary filmmaking has made IslamInSpanish a worldwide distribution source on the local Comcast Channel 17 public access channel for years equaling over 250+ television shows produced that have gone on to be broadcast internationally in channels in Spain and throughout the nation as well as online. We have traveled to far off places such as Mexico, Colombia, and other countries to produce unique authentic productions that show the situation being experiences in Latin America regarding Islam and its realities of lack of material and leaders who can educate such as Imams, etc. Our video content allows us to paint the picture as to who we are, where we come from, how we found Islam, how it has improved our lives, and helps us clarify common misconceptions about Islam and Muslims as generally portrayed on the media. We work out in the field or in our state-of-the-art production studio at the IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico where we have set up a custom cutting edge technology full production studio that has equipment similar to ESPN and as used by the NBA or CNN.

Livestreaming from live events with audience taking place in our local production studio at the IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico is broadcasted worldwide. We work out in the field or in our state-of-the-art production studio at the Centro Islamico where we have set up a custom cutting edge technology full production studio that has equipment similar to ESPN and as used by the NBA or CNN.

Local media channel news have come to interview us and are amazed at our production studio and we have collaborated in teaching media training along with local media professionals to community leaders to educate the public about interviewing skills, public relations, and high quality in-studio and field production based on critically acclaimed story structure since our founder is connected to Hollywood and New York professional
organization professionals. IslamInSpanish believes in utilizing the power of video production to tell our story about who we are as Muslims, as Latinos, and as Americans to a diverse audience in the new era of message dissemination through new media. Our content has become the reference for Latinos worldwide to become educated about Islam in the Spanish language due to its authentic tone of being produce by Latinos who found Islam and have been charged with the task of educating their family, friends, and society.

Livestreaming from live events with audience taking place in our local production studio at the IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico is broadcasted worldwide. Making our local studio an educational window to the world and for many throughout Latin America the main source of education for them since many new Muslims or Latinos in general live in lands where there may not exist even one mosque nor Muslims. The online highway has become our educational environment where we are creating content that counters negative violent extremist messaging found online as well as any generalizing stereotypical images associated with Islam. IslamInSpanish believes that it is our responsibility as productive citizens to work for the general good of humanity and producing counter messaging to negative content will help us secure our country and planet. Donate towards video production we our team can travel to places unheard of in the United States and Latin American communities documenting how Islam is impacting the lives of so many Latinos who are finding Islam.