Ramon and his New Journey to Islam

Brother Ramon has been Muslim for a week now Alhamdulillah. He came by the IslamInSpanish Dallas Outreach Center today to learn more about his new faith.

He works as a cook with Muslims, and that’s what ultimately lead him to learn about Islam. He said that the way they behaved and interacted with each other really got him curious to learn about their faith. While here at the center, we went about the prayers, learning the names and times that it should be done, going over the importance of the intention and prostrations of Salaah. He was really surprised to learn about the history of Muslims in Spain and how some Spanish words are derived from Arabic. He said that after entering Islam he has felt peace and tranquility. Things that would bother him before seem to be nothing more than what is already meant to happen.

Keep Ramon in your du’as as he learns more about his new faith, we all know how challenging it can be sometimes.

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