Educational Programs
Weekly Spanish Class - This weekly 2-hour class is carried out between 11am - 1pm on Sundays by our diverse group of Latino Muslim Imams, Instructors, and community educators who educate in the Spanish language a diverse group of Spanish-speaking non-Muslims, new muslims, and Latino Muslims who have possibly accepted Islam years ago but are looking to be in a welcoming warm social environment. There is a no-judgement policy felt in the air and the IslamInSpanish team is dedicated to tolerance, openness in dialogue, and spreading teachings about Islam that are beneficial for individuals, families, and our society at large. Many Muslims refer Spanish-speakers to this class since Latinos usually are impressed and impacted to meet a Latino Muslim who understands their current state of curiosity or research toward Islam since almost all Latino Muslims in the class have accepted Islam and are looking forward to assist others researching. All questions are encouraged in this nourishing environment. Come to our next Class!!
Come to Our Next Class in Spanish
Weekly Spanish Khutbah - IslamInSpanish in the city of Houston began delivering once a month khutbahs our of two local masajid since 2013 for two years making the city of Houston the only city to have an on-going Spanish khutbah in the United States. After finding logistical difficulties it became necessary to carry out a weekly Spanish khutbah in one local and became one of the main functions of the newly established “IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico” as the 1st Spanish-Speaking Islamic Center in the nation. This weekly Spanish Khutbah is not only the only Spanish khutbah in the United States but it is also streamed via online broadcasting to cover not only the U.S. Latino population but the International 700,000 Spanish-Speaking Latinos worldwide. Sometimes Latinos living in Latin America have accepted Islam with us online and they live in places where Muslims do not reside.
Lectures Streamed from New Mosque IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico
Our online broadcasts from our own independent mosque built into the IslamInSpanish Centro Islamico is a unique one-of-a-kind experience that covers a worldwide range of people from all walks of life weekly to add value to a diverse audience based on the fact that it is delivered 20 minutes in Spanish, 10 minutes in English, and has Arabic interwoven throughout its 30 minute duration so that business owners and employees from the Southwest Houston area can benefit from a Khutbah in a unique setting where many in attendance may not be Muslim yet or recent converts to Islam from different nationalities of Latin America. Join us and witness this one-of-kind experience and don’t forget to support on your way out or here online (Donate) so we may continue serving within this underserved niche!
Quarterly Educational Seminars - Upon witnessing 100s of Latinos embrace Islam in the Houston area we have determined that general classes can only go so far in the development of recent converts to Islam or as many refer to as New Muslims. This is the reason why our educational programming was extended to a more designed approach for a level education track system where Latinos can learn the basics right after embracing Islam and obtain certificates of completion per level so that they may obtain the information about Islam in a manner conducive to personal growth in proper understanding and implementation free of cultural bias from Muslim countries that may contradict the simplicity and beauty of Islam in America for the Latino Muslim identity.
These educational seminars vary in duration but are on average between 4 to 6 hours delivered within a day’s time or over a weekend depending on the subject matter. After a measure of comprehension is completed via testing methods carried out by the respective instructor, a certificate of completion will be giving out and the person will be encouraged to become an educator for others who have not taken that specific course since the best way of learning and retaining information is by teaching. We hope to increase the capacity of future educators in the Latino Muslim community by delivering these seminars so that we do not depend on sending people overseas to live half a decade to then come back and teach.
The best teachers and future khateebs (Friday sermon speakers) may very well be among those who are embracing Islam here in our locality and since these courses will be produced in video and audio we foresee that the education of many throughout the United States and Latin America will become future Imams, community leaders, and educators of families that will bring about good for society by living out the universal values of Islam. The cost of these seminars are delivered at a minimal $20 - $50 range due to the generous support and donations from our partners and donors who support this effort. Donate now to sponsor a Latino to become educated about Islam since they did not have the opportunity to learn from their parents or societies where they were born.