The Story of IslamInSpanish
IslamInSpanish is an educational non-profit organization that was established out of the need to educate Latinos about Islam in the Spanish language worldwide after the devastation of 9/11. It was founded by Mujahid Fletcher, a Colombian convert to Islam, whose need to share Islam with his father and family led to the discovery that there was no material in the Spanish language. Mujahid along with his recently converted wife and father worked together to bring about a balanced understanding of Islam in a culturally relevant manner. This undertaking lead to the creation of their first produced cd entitled “La Religion de la Verdad” (The Religion of Truth) which became the means to his wife’s aunt embracing Islam before her death from Cancer.
Shortly after production, that first cd was distributed to Spanish speakers worldwide with great success. Not only did the cd educate numerous people, but it also lead to many accepting the tenants of Islam as their new way of life. IslamInSpanish’s original mission was to become the number one trusted resource of Islamic multimedia educational resources and products in the Spanish language. To date they have produced over 500 audio books, 250+ television shows, and carried out 1000s of live events in North and Latin America. As a pioneer and leader it seeks to empower people who will empower their respective communities and bring about a sense of peace and common-good worldwide by clarifying misconceptions of Islam and culturally attaching Latinos to their common Islamic roots historically from Al-Andalus, or Andulucia Spain, to normalize the notion of Islam to Spanish-speakers while encouraging universal principles of a common human good and diversity.
Our hope is to publicly share what we as Latino Muslims found in Islam and how it has helped us transform our lives into productive global citizens through the real ups and downs in life that anyone can relate to as a human being. We hope to inspire people to see the world from the universal lens of “The Creator” in order to understand the purpose of life and how we may live out the best of our common human traits towards the common good of humanity.
Siraj Wahhaj, the keynote speaker, speaks about the importance of the non-profit organization "IslamInSpanish" at its 1st ever Ramadan Fundraiser Banquet in Houston, TX on Labor Day - September 7th, 2009 entitled "Reviving a Legacy of Service".
IslamInSpanish does not tolerate any illegal or destructive messaging online or offline which incites violence or damage to any individual, organization, country, or government. We follow 501(C)(3) legal status in good standing with the federal laws that govern our day to day activities as we carry out programs and projects toward healthy collaboration between people toward the good of humanity worldwide.