IslamInSpanish Featured on Telemundo Program “Un Nuevo Dia”

Telemundo Covers IslamInSpanish’s Origin Story and Dallas Outreach Center Efforts


Faith, Family and Fiestas: these are three aspects of hispanic culture that are held dearly by Latinos but it’s definitely not something that is exclusive to one religion. Muslims also hold the same three ideals in high regard so it isn’t that big a transition when Latinos convert to Islam.

This is what was featured on a segment on Telemundo’s Un Nuevo Dia which covered the rising number of Latinos converting to Islam in the United States due to the work of organization’s like IslamInSpanish.

The two-part story first featured the origin story of IslamInSpanish and interviewed IslamInSpanish’s CEO Jaime “Mujahid” Fletcher on his upbringing and what led him to discover Islam and eventually start IslamInspanish after 9/11.


Initially met with resistance from family members, by the will of Allah, Mujahid’s parents became Muslim once they learned more about the faith. The lack of educational material in the Spanish language drove Fletcher to produce materials and found IslamInSpanish.

On the second segment, titled “Se dispara el número de los latinos que se convierten al Islam (the number of Latinos converting to Islam skyrockets)”, IslamInSpanish representatives Jalil Navarro and others talked about the shift that is happening as Latinos are embracing Islam.


The misconception is that when converting to Islam, Latinos are abandoning their culture and where they came from. The truth is that the acceptance of Islam is not an abandonment but actually a merging of the two cultures into one.

You can be Latino and also be Muslim. You can enjoy the same food, be festive and speak Spanish. The only change is that you have a new perspective when it comes to God and how you nurture that relationship and connection in action with others. These two segments do a great job of highlighting this.

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