August 2020 Recap: Do you know our story?

With dedication, hard work, and diligence, IslamInSpanish has established one of, if not,  THE LARGEST Latino-Muslim community in the WORLD - enabling THOUSANDS of people around the world (both Latinos and Non-Latinos) to discover Islam, in-person and virtually. We believe that education is a right, and have created an Islamic education platform that English and Spanish speakers all over the world can easily access and learn from. 


Being no stranger to struggle, our founder and CEO, Br. Jaime “Mujahid” Fletcher wastes no time representing the Latino-Muslim community during this global pandemic. This time, he takes a virtual seat with Niche Hero as he delves into the challenges of being a new convert, creating IslamInSpanish, and nurturing the next generation of Muslim leaders. Join Br. Mujahid and learn the story of IslamInSpanish as he strives to provide Islamic educational content across the world. 

Want to watch Br. Mujahid’s interview with Niche Hero? Watch below


Through this pandemic, we’ve been virtually streaming many of our programs, such as our weekly Spanish classes and weekly Spanish khutbahs, to over 700 MILLION Spanish-Speaking Latinos worldwide. Additionally, we’ve been holding live Q&As every single Friday in both English and Spanish to share the truth and wisdom that lie within Islam with thousands all across the globe.

Our vision is to transform lives into productive global citizens who work together for the common good for humanity, and inshallah the fruits of our work, and your constant support will continue to provide knowledge and wisdom to thousands of Latinos internationally -especially in these times of uncertainty.

View all of our upcoming special fall content on our Facebook page, or click the image below!

Fall Programs.png

Mashallah, in the past month we have had 4 brothers and sisters embrace Islam - one of whom was all the way from the Philippines! Brother Elfido and Sister Ruth from Mexico (pictured below) are just two of the many new Muslims that have taken their Shahadas over video and have joined us on the path of becoming fulfilled and educated Muslims!

It goes without saying that it is through your continued support that we are able to provide more and more people with the knowledge, guidance, and support to discover Islam.

IslamInSpanish strives to connect THOUSANDS of more Latinos just like Elfido and Ruth to Islam and we would love for you to help sustain our programs and content. 

Consider becoming a monthly supporter today! As a sustainer, not only will you be helping us spread the truth about Islam -allowing more and more people to discover their true faith while combating misinformation, but YOU too will enjoy Allah's rewards in this life and the hereafter JUST for supporting our efforts.  

That means YOU may be rewarded for every time a new Muslim:
✅ Performs the 5 daily prayers
✅ Makes a Dua 
✅ Reads the Qur'an
✅ Shares Islam with another person

The cycle of rewards for doing this Dawah work is ongoing! Just imagine how many rewards your SMALL donation every month can add up to.

Remember! The Prophet (PBUH) said: 

“The most beloved of deeds to Allah are the most consistent of them, even if they are few”